Fun With Numbers – Random Facts and Stats

Daniel Ganninger
October 25, 2014

bannerfunwithnumbers2Numbers, numbers, everywhere.  Numbers, numbers, why should you care?  Great question, and I don’t have a good answer, but these fascinating tidbits of statistical wizardry will have you scratching you head (or slapping it).  So sit back and follow the arrows as you’re hit with a healthy dose of mathematical mayhem.

Math is boring, let’s just admit it (okay, to most of us).  But numbers that have some meaning, now those are just good fun.  These are just a few that some poor soul had to figure out and count up.  If you’re no good in math then don’t worry, there is none involved.  The work on these facts has already been solved.


Crazy, huh? Did you solve the riddle?  Is there a story behind this infographic?  Not really, but let’s make one up.

A guy is at the airport eating.  He stays away from the vending machines, opting instead for a Reuben sandwich from one of the terminal restaurants.  He soon takes a flight to Paris aboard a 747.  It’s cold and snowing and prays that he’ll be able to get home in his car when he returns.  As he approaches Paris the daylight streams through his window.  He hails a cab but all he has is change.  The cab driver is not happy.  He knew he should have gotten smaller bills when he was at Wal-Mart picking out socks for the trip.  He decides to grab a bite to eat.  There happens to be a sushi bar near his hotel.  After his lunch it’s time to do some sight-seeing.  The Eiffel tower is nearby, and he goes to the top.  But his wife calls and reminds him that it is April 15th, tax time and the deadline looms.  He finds a quiet spot and figures out if he can deduct this trip on his taxes.  A Rolls Royce drives by when it’s struck by a Toyota.  He didn’t even know that people drove Toyota’s in France.  The man returns to his hotel, and by the glow of his light bulb, he reads a book and slowly blinks his way to sleep.

See?  You can make a connection out of anything.  Check back again next time to see what is bubbling in the stew pot, and thanks for reading.